If you are not as yet in the habit of listening to podcasts, then, by all means, you should start! These free audio programs that are created on virtually any subject under the sun are distributed over the Internet and can be easily downloaded. You can take them with you on your smartphone and listen to them as you wish…it’s like having your own radio station that’s personalized to your interests, at your beck and call!
As an e-learning professional, there is no shortage of podcasts that you can listen to. Broaden your knowledge and learn about the latest developments in the L&D world!
Here are 5 of the most informative and fun podcasts directed at the e-learning professional.
Just about a year old, Learning is created by three professionals Michelle Ockers, Karen Maloney and Amanda Ashby and conducts real, not scripted, conversations on contemporary themes. With topics ranging from aged care to design thinking, the talks are centered on real experiences from subject matter experts.
Hosted by David James, The Learning & Development Podcast is a fairly new podcast that has gained popularity in a very short timeframe. Once a week, David James discusses hotly debated topics that are affecting the profession today, alongside special guests.
Based on his rich experience as Microsoft’s Chief Learning Officer, Chris Pirie’s Learning is the New Working talks about everything from the African crisis to AI and demographic change. Chris brings out the ways in which the process of Learning is transforming to align itself with current and emerging technologies.
Connie Malamed’s The eLearning Coach blog is complemented brilliantly with her The eLearning Coach Podcast. Helping you design smarter e-learning experiences, this podcast focuses on practicality through thought leadership and interview authors, experts and people who are doing interesting things that are related to this field in some way or another.
Dan Carlin has been called one of the greatest storytellers in the world, and his podcast Hardcore History weaves stories about the past with questions that provoke deep thinking. With episodes that literally span hours, he has been entertaining listeners since 2005.
There are many, many more podcasts that are worth a listen. Here are some more links to help pique your interest. Happy listening!