The ongoing pandemic, and the resultant enforced need for social distancing, have disrupted almost every facet of our lives today. Technology has stepped into the breach and replaced all the physical aspects of our erstwhile world with their new virtual avatars. Just about everything has migrated online; whether it is retail, business operations, team meetings, marketing strategies, and so on— and the world of education is not far behind.
With schools, colleges and institutes of higher learning all having gone into lockdown at the same time, online learning is the new mantra on everyone’s lips. Knowledge is just a mouse click away, and students and educators are playing their parts in the now mandatory scenario of remote learning.
For quite some time now, virtual learning has been the new buzzword in the future of education. This pandemic was the catalyst that got all of our innovative juices flowing, making the education sector rethink and redefine new patterns of learning. As the world has learned to cope with long-distance learning modes, this is a good time for a fresh start, and for some reflection on how to define the learning pedagogy of tomorrow’s world.
Young people belonging to generation Z are those who have grown up in a digital era. Children grow up with digital instincts that their parents never had, and are able to deal with the online world effortlessly. For them, technology is just an extension of their identity and online interactions come as naturally to them as breathing. This entire generation is defined by technology and is able to very easily adapt to online learning experiences.
The world of education is expected to transform itself in ways that can better prepare young learners to cope with what the future holds. Some of these changes include:
The world has shrunk with the onset of learning platforms. Learners can now navigate across boundaries and connect with educators from across the world. Knowledge sharing has become universal and collaborative, and successful students are those who are able to leverage the opportunities that abound in the interconnected world.
As learning resources become more easily available, the role of the teacher is transforming from a didactic educator to someone who is a facilitator and mentor. Students are increasingly seeking knowledge on their own and look to teachers to only clear their doubts and enhance their comprehension of concepts.
It has been proven that excellence in academics is not a sure-fire recipe for career success. Today’s students need to gain valuable life skills alongside their formal education, and emotional intelligence has become as important as, if not more important than, formal learning. Employers are on the lookout for those with proven soft skills such as capabilities in leadership, communication and collaboration. Resilience and adaptability are skills that are going to win accolades and get people ahead in the future.
End-to-end learning platforms that are based on future technologies are fast becoming the new norm, in the post-pandemic world. A new suite of technology tools is readily available to create and deliver learning content online.
Students are able to undertake pre-assessment to gauge their skills and learn through interactive videos, with short bursts of knowledge delivered by chatbots. Regular assessments and quizzes test their level of comprehension at every stage. Hands-on skills are factored into the program to make sure that learners are equipped with practical capabilities alongside theoretical knowledge, making them ready to face industry challenges.
There are a great many benefits to be had from virtual learning. The experiences of isolated and remote learning could very well become the new norm in a Post Covid world. However, a word of caution: we should not lose touch with the need for face-to-face social interaction, or we could all be in very real danger of losing the fabric of humanity itself.
As one of the foremost software development companies in Kochi, MWT Technologies is your go-to company for all your virtual learning needs. We are adept at web-based learning, mobile learning, video-based learning, gamification and more! We can create engaging, optimised content and learning solutions for all your upskilling needs.