Online learning has completely reinvented the learning experience, and with more and more students opting for non-traditional modes of learning, this is now becoming the most popular way of gaining an education. With e-learning, students can have access to innovative and engaging content that is competency-based and hands-on. As eLearning resource providers, we create and produce eLearning content that help our learners achieve their professional goals and advance their careers.
Our immersive educational content is designed to empower your workforce to achieve higher targets and improve student success rates for individual learners. Regardless of whether you are looking for end-to end services for creating a suite of online educational programs, or for bespoke learning solutions to meet a specific requirement, we have the solutions to all your needs.
Web based learning enhance the students capacity to memorize learned materials, write reflectively about it, narrate it to past experiences, and relate it to their day-to-day lives.
Yes, this is the time for you to change to the multimedia based learning experience and we are here to offer you the best.
If you have content we can format it to a mobile friendly version, without losing its essence.
We are an old hand in the industry for Bit –sized module development. M learning allows user to learn whenever and wherever possible. The wider access and flexibility attracts more individual regardless of the age. We satisfy our clients with small, responsive, mobile friendly theme created by mobile learners in mind.
Gamify your content and maximize enjoyment with interactive learning. Game designs are an appropriate option for engaging and motivating the learners. Our expertise can refine your existing content using our creative designs and technology. We perfectly blend Game –play with subject matter and retain the learning outcomes.
We provide conceptual animations and recorded sessions which are the right mix of instructional learning. Video learning has a high retention rate when compared to other learnings. Video learnings will gratify the visual and auditory senses of learner and will galvanize the cognitive schema.
Our team is competent in using different technologies power up to engage the group. This learning style will compel the learner to be a quick learner revitalizing learning.
Our instructional designers concentrate more on abstract concepts setting than concrete skill teaching.
We provide stupendous options to address assessments, grading, academic reporting and learner interaction for our clients.
We understand the retention of knowledge and its application is greater when come to experience. Our simulations are skillfully sheltered and simplified varieties of real process. Simulation based learning are accepted globally as one of the best methodology to train many different disciplines. Our team is master in providing a learning environment where the learner believes the setting is real and act accordingly in the field. We have a dedicated team for healthcare simulation; this team understands the requirements of a health professional.
I have been collaborating with MWT Technologies since their inception, on a daily basis. Their skill set is pretty impressive and have specialists to do everything from programming to design in a meticulous, professional manner. I simply loved their touch of perfection!
We are very satisfied and happy to have engaged MWT Technologies as our development partner.
MWT Technologies lived up to their reputation for professionalism and ability to deliver. We’ll certainly work with them again!