The Changing Face of Education in 2022 and Beyond

Paradigms in education are changing, and the last decade has seen a sea change in the way learning content is being developed and delivered to students across the world. Massive shifts have taken place in the ways in which students engage with courses and content, and this has completely disrupted…

What makes digital learning the need of the hour

The pandemic has redefined the world of learning, creating a paradigm shift in the global education system and making the move from brick-and-mortar classrooms to virtual learning not merely a value-add, but an imperative. Educational institutions everywhere faced the challenges that came with social distancing and the inability to have…

Pros and Cons of Virtual Learning

Online education is a versatile method of delivering instruction that includes all forms of learning that happens online. Through online learning, teachers can now reach students who would not be able to enrol in a typical classroom setting, which also enables students who need to work on their own time…

Virtual Company Secretary: Save Time and Cut Costs!

In recent times, mandatory company regulations and government mandates have increased, making the burden of compliance more complex for companies everywhere. Non-compliance, even if it is inadvertent, can lead to unnecessary complications and increased risks. This in turn has increased the demands on company secretaries, who are required to maintain…

KH Lite: Keeping up with Online Learning Trends

The world of education has undergone a paradigm shift, with virtual learning taking centre stage. Students and professionals looking to upskill and reskill have taken to online classes for education and career growth. Virtual and immersive learning platforms are the need of the hour, and educators are finding the need…

The Most Fascinating Mobile App Development Trends in 2021

The rapidity with which new apps are released is astounding. More businesses and start-ups are building mobile apps to better serve their clients and expand their market share in their respective industries. Almost every company and organisation is attempting to gain a foothold on their target audience's smartphones. As a…

Web Design Trends of 2021 – The best and the worst!

When we take a look at this year's trends, both the ones we like and the ones we'd like to see go away.  Already we are halfway through 2021, which is the ideal time to reflect on what the year has brought us so far in terms of web design.…

Explore the Latest Digital Marketing Trends of 2021!

The outbreak of COVID-19 has taken a toll on organisations across the world. People's shopping habits have evolved since then. At this juncture, in-store shopping is a tendency.  Numerous businesses have gone online to stay in touch with their customers and customers are successfully purchasing online With the massive growth…

Expert Advice for Developing a Successful SEO Strategy in 2021

SEO Most of you are familiar with the term SEO as it pertains to digital marketing, online businesses, and the internet in general. Nevertheless, you'd be surprised at how many people remember those three letters yet don't know what they imply. 2021 SEO Strategy We'll go over the terms of…

COVID-19 Pandemic and E-learning: New challenges for students and instructors alike!

Online classes have been a cornerstone of modern higher education since the coronavirus outbreak. While the majority of universities, colleges, and other educational institutions have fully embraced online learning, teachers are still grappling with how to engage students online and students are faced with new challenges. They must make difficult…